Dedicated to the Sage Family...
I would like to dedicate this page in memory of the Sage family. I can remember the first
time I saw the listing of so many names from one family. I could not help but shed a tear.
It still touches me the same way today.
The Sage family was on their way to Jacksonville, Florida where they had just purchased a
citrus farm. Had they survived, perhaps we would be drinking Sage orange juice today.
Traveling in Third Class, the Sage family members were:
- Mr. John George Sage, age 44
- Mrs. Annie Sage, age 44
- Miss Stella Sage, age 20
- Master George Sage, age 19
- Master Douglas Sage, age 18
- Master Frederick Sage, age 16
- Miss Dorothy Sage, age 13
- Master William Sage, age 11
- Miss Ada Sage, age 9
- Miss Constance Sage, age 7
- Master Thomas Sage, age 4
William Sage was the only body recovered.