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Titanic Pre-Sinking

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Titanic Postcard and Photographs

This postcard is the only communication known to exist from a Titanic postal worker. Sent by James Bertram (Pat) Williamson, to Miss Gladys Copeland. Pat was promised a kiss by Gladys if he sent her a souvenir from Titanic.

The message reads: 10th April, 1912. George wanted me to wait last night for you to fulfill your promise. This is a souvenir of Titanic's maiden voyage. Pat.

George Copeland was Gladys' father, (shown standing in front of the Queensland Hotel which he owned).

Unfortunately, Pat never collected his part of the bargain as none of Titanic's postal workers survived the disaster. This postcard bears Titanic's postmark, which is extremely rare.

These items are available for viewing at Audio Video Showroom in Santa Rosa, California.